Tag Archives: Training

Matera days

After a seven day training in Matera (Italy), the 6 teams are ready to start their journey! Participants from Bulgaria, France, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands and  Romania discussed during the first meeting about the structure and the contents of the video-documentary Eu-Relay. Participants also had the chance to ge to know local reality by meeting some organizations working in the field of active citizenship in Matera. Moreover the organizers provided a short training course on video techniques, creating short videos which will be soon available on this website. (In the picture, the last evening in Altamura).

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Ready to start!

The city of Matera (Italy) will host the first meeting of the project Eu-relay. The international group (3 participants from 6 countries) will be hosted at “Le Monacelle”, a beautiful hostel in the old town called Sassi, protected as world heritage by UNESCO.  The meeting, from the 19th to the 25th of February, will focus on clarification of aims and structure of the project. Moreover participants will be trained on citizenship issues and they will also get some input on video journalism as a tool. Participants will define common guidelines concerning the video documentary which is the main outcome we expect from the project.

EU-Relay – February Meeting – Program


Filed under The project, Training

The training

Associazione Culturale Link will host in February 2011 the fist event of the project: a 6 day training course about european citizenship and video as a tool to investigate and document different situations in the partner countries concerning this issue. The training will be hosted at “Le Monacelle” in Matera from the 19th to 25th of February. Very soon the program will be published on this blog.

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