Tag Archives: citizenship

Immigration in ‘la douce France’

In actionMigration takes many different forms and the French team introduced us (the Dutch team) to some practical examples. In Rennes, capital city of the province Brittany in France, a squatting house serves as a shelter for 60-70 persons from different origins. Volunteers provide them with support and information. While interviewing the director of the involved organization and a volunteer, some mattresses were brought and a woman was washing her clothes.

Marie-Léonie, a Congolese French woman who is retired, told us about her experiences in France where she arrived in 1977 with her children. The dramatic changes in Zaire (as the Democratic Republic of Congo -DRC- was called at that time) forced her to stay in France. It took more than ten years before she obtained the French nationality. She experienced quite some difficulties, which strengthened her conviction to help other newcomers from DRC and neighboring countries.

In Saint Brieuc a representative of the Conseil Général explained us about their activities to support migrants. And at a market in Rennes, we heard interesting opinions of persons who represent the melting-pot of current France: according to themselves, they are ‘citizens du monde’. Unfortunately this positive approach is sometimes clouded by opinions of other citizens who reduce them to stereotypes about muslims.

Dinan by nightAlong with these rich encounters the French team introduced us to the local food and drinks: moules et frites, beaucoup des entrecotes, crêpes et galettes – cidre et lait (oh no, that last one -milk- is rather typically Dutch).

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Filed under Video Action 5 - France

The training

Associazione Culturale Link will host in February 2011 the fist event of the project: a 6 day training course about european citizenship and video as a tool to investigate and document different situations in the partner countries concerning this issue. The training will be hosted at “Le Monacelle” in Matera from the 19th to 25th of February. Very soon the program will be published on this blog.

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EU-Relay: a European project

We are glad to inform our friends all over Europe that the project EU-Ralay has been approved by the Executive Agency under the action “Support to projects initiated by civil society organisations” (Action 2, Measure 3 of Europe for Citizens program).

The aim of the project is to create a pan-european video documentary on citizenship. The project’s title EU-Relay, refers to a race of travelling teams, from one country to another, with the aim of exploring through video different local realities in terms of European citizenship. The project intends to answer to the following programme proirity: “Active European Citizenship: participation in our societies”. There is a need for further reflection on the concept of Active European Citizenship as well as a need for development of tools and models adapted to citizens’ active participation in the construction of Europe at all levels.
The concept of the project is an itinerant trip of teams, organzed like a relay, in the 6 involved countries (Italy, Bulgaria, Romania, Latvia, Netherlands, France). Each team -composed by 3 people involved in civil society organzations- will travel to another country and work in cooperation with the hosting team during 5 days in what we call “video-actions”. The teams will create their own part of the documentary and they will use it as a pretext to investigate the project’s issues. They will make interviews, visit local organizations and insitutions, meet students in schools, organize meeting and non-formal activities in order to stimulate debates on European citizenship and meanwhile produce a video documentary. In a more specific way the issues will be related to poverty and social exclusion, European identity, cultural diversity, creativity and active participation.  Like in a relay the projects goes on until all the teams meet in Italy for final editing, launch of the video documentary and evaluation. The video will be in original languages and subtitled in English. It will be used by all the partners and other stakeholders to promote the project and its results and to foster further reflecions and debates on the issues concerned.

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