Category Archives: Video Action 4 – Netherlands

Getting to know sex work issues in Netherlands

Brilliant days in Netherlands. This trip has been started in Latvia and through Belgium it reached finish in Arnhem in the Netherlands where we met our great hosting team.
Day after we started shooting. We had a chance to speak with people who is working with health care of sex workers. Spending day in Amsterdam we digged more into a topic. It helped us a lot in other days when we had a chance to interview a human right activist and lawyer, volunteer, and the people who is working with protection fo sex workers in Netherlands.

As the interviews were in different cities we had some time to see the country and weather was nice, so it made good in mood and nice atmosphere in our working team. In the last, already in the way back unexpectedly turned out that we`re going to have another interview with one charismatic lady who is working in sex industry. This interview imposed mellow point of our journey because we got to know a lot of usefull information for us…

Way back again was through Belgium. And we came back to Latvia in the good mood and the feeling of well done job.
Special thanks to Linda for arranging all the interviews and Robert for hosting us. See you guys soon!

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Filed under Video Action 4 - Netherlands