About the project

The project title EU-Relay, refers to a race of travelling teams from one country to another, with the aim of exploring through video local realities in terms of European citizenship.

The over-all goal is to procude a pan-european video-documentary abour active citizenship in Europe.


The project intends to answer to the following programme proirity:

Active European Citizenship: participation in our societies

There is a need for further reflection on the concept of Active European Citizenship as well as need for development of tools and models adapted to citizens’ active participation in the construction of Europe at all levels.






The steps are the following:



1.    One representative per country/partner organization, take part to the Preparation Meeting (Italy, country 1)

2.    The first team (composed by 3 members from country 1 + 1 coordinator) travel to country 2 and during 5 days explores the topic of the project by using video as a tool. They will make interviews, visit local organizations and insitutions, meet students in school, in order to produce a video. The work is made in cooperation with the local team of country 2.

3.    The team of country 2 + 1 coordinator (the same during the whole project) will do the same, which means will travel to country 3 and work in cooperation with its local team.

4.    From country 4 the team will move to country 4, doing the same kind of activity, jointly with the local team.

5.    The team from country 4 will travel to country 5, and will work for 5 days like the other groups.

6.    Team from country 5 will travel to Italy and with their work will close the circle, with 5 days working with same methodologies.

The teams from countries 2, 3 and 4, will join team from country 5 and 1 which are already in Italy, and they will  make the final editing of the video-documentary and the final evaluation of the project.

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