Latvia, probably the greenest country in the world

Ever since we started to descend from the clouds, aboard the Czech Airline Airbus to reach Riga Airport, we noticed the great „sea” of green forests that make Latvia a powerful source of oxygen. We didn’t really know what to expect, we only knew what we wanted to catch in the documentary: that is, a very trendy way of living that one day will take on the planet: green lifestyle, eco living, living without harming the environment and the others around you.

During the 3 days of shooting we met some very interesting people leading non-conventional lives and sharing the same ideas that one can lead his/her life in harmony with nature and everyone else, by choosing to empower nature and protect its resources.

Day 1: we traveled to Liepaja, a city next to the Baltic Sea, where inhabitants are strong activits for dwelling a green life (they invented  the so-called „freekbykes” which you see them drive around town like everyday cars: they  drive to work, to school and around the harbour, they make contests and they made these bykes like a sort of „emblemma” of the town). Afterwards, we talked to youngsters and volunteers from  Radi Vidi Pats, a local NGO with environmental activities, we learned about their challenges and their accomplishments so far and we got a very clear statement of what „green living”is. The day ended with a vey nice interview with the manager of a „charity shop”, where we learned how valuable the input of volunteer work is.

 On the second day of shooting we were introduced to Elina, the person responsible for the development of „charity shop” chain in Riga and Liepaja. We discussed about the idea of social entrepreneurship and also about the importance of the legislation support. The next thing we did was talk to the representative of an evironmental NGO called Homo Ecos, where we learned about different projects to promote Latvia as becoming „the greenest country in the world”.

On the third day of shooting we had the chance to interview Latvia’s ecological hero, nothing like Batman or Zorro, but a lot like Pigman, the „pig-man” who one day changed his way and became environmentally protective and taught the others to be the same. Next, we had the chance to meet the manager of a „plant-exchange” store, where people come and donate plants or they take in exchange some other plant. „Flowers make people happy”, the shop manager says. The end of the day was quite nice because we stumbled into a nice art gallery in a mall which exhibited statues made of recycled iron objects (screw drivers, byke chains etc) and we also came across the first shop and showroom selling furniture made from cardboard and recycled wood (Foldlife).

All in all, we managed to shoot not only testimonials about politically correct „green life style” but also we managed to live the life, the „eco” style (especially by tasting slow food). It was an interesting trip we took and we met wonderful people with beautiful ideas of how to protect the environment. Thank you, Latvian team, for your efforts to host us and be our guide in Riga!

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Filed under Video Action 3 - Latvia

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