Debriefing after shooting

During 3 days, both Romanian and Bulgarian teams made a wonderful journey to discover young people and their elder siblings envolved in keeping their traditions alive, in managing to pass them on to the next generations in different forms. We saw pitoresque places where tradition was unaltered and we saw places where traditional elements were combined with modern elements as a sign of evolution.

Our approach was to observe, take notes and compare… rarely did we express any opinion about it.. it was like smelling the flowers instead of picking them up. Local people were interested in having them recorded on camera, because they want to show the world how beautiful their traditions are. Next to that, there is the young generation which understands how important it is to be keeping our traditions alive mainly because this is who we are, it is part of our individuality as a nation.

The young generation use traditional elements in their clothing, singing or dancing as a compound of „ethno” fashion. They enjoy hand-made jewlery and clothes and they are very proud to be wearing them. We interviewed a lot of people and the common question was „why / for what purpose do you keep these traditions alive”? The answer is always linked to the feeling of pride to be Romanian and a feeling of belonging to a certain group.

All in all, it seemed that 3 days were not sufficient to travel and meet all the people that we planned to meet, but anyway we felt very happy to be able to show you a small part of a large culture, the Romanian one.

EU-Relay continues with Video Action 3… Now we are headed to get to know another type of culture, where a new trend is arising to serve  as a model for the whole world as a way to protect our future generations: “green” lifestyle in Latvia.

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