
Several days after the meeting of the two teams from Bulgaria and Italy, wе can for sure say that the working process was fruitful and full of mood. During the three days we covered more than 300 kilometers.We have made the desired interviews with the skills and the precisions of all of the participants. Now we expect to see the final result, hopefully it will be successful, but giving the professional work of both of the teams in the organizing – recording, creativity and fun during and after the workflow, there is no doubt. We have to say thank you to our new friends for the willingness and the courage to stand in front of the camera.Some of them had their first interviews. Now the first step is made ​​and its footprint is clear. The next step we will make in Romania in order the project to start moving ahead to the ultimate goal – namely our documentary video.

Thak you L.I.N.K. !!!

Thank you I.I.C. !!!

Hello AREAS  !!!

1 Comment

Filed under The relay, Video Action 1 - Bulgaria

One response to “Impressions

  1. mino

    well done guys, enjoy the next step of the relay!

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